Description and cost of Group classes , Individual & Online training
Group classes are for dogs with no trouble (fear and/or aggression) with strange dogs and strange people. If your dog struggles in this area please contact us prior to enrolling in a group class.
Vaccination records from your veterinarian (distemper/parvo for all ages, Bordetella and rabies for dogs over 14 weeks old) are required at the first class. We also accept titers but cannot accept breeder vaccinations.
We use positive reinforcement methods so bringing lots of soft rewards is necessary , and clickers are optional. We also welcome all breeds.
Refunds are not available within 48 hours of a group class or 24 hours for an individual session
Due to Covid masks are optional when inside our facility
It's Like Chuck E Cheese for puppies! 1 hr single session class is all about puppies exploring strange things like hoola hoops, tunnels, steps, uneven surfaces, and meeting other puppies and people, all part of the critical socialization period (7-16 weeks). To them it's recess, for you it's the opportunity to see how your puppy thinks and responds to new situations. Click HERE for more info. Vacc from a vet required. Click HERE for group class schedules
5 dogs max/class. Class meets 1 hr/week for 5 weeks and covers all the foundation obedience; down, stay, sit, release, recall, wait at door, loose leash walking, sit for greetings, drop it, leave it, as well as typical puppy issues like nipping, house-training, etc. Vacc from a vet required . Click HERE for group class schedules
4 dogs max/class. For dogs over 5 months old with no trouble with strange dogs or strange people. Class meets 1hr/week for 5 weeks and covers all the foundation obedience; sit, down, stay, loose leash walking, release command, wait at door, recall, drop it, leave it, sit for greetings as well as typical issues like jumping, etc. Vacc from a vet required. Click HERE for group class schedules
4 dogs max/class. This class has the same curriculum as Elementary but MEETS TWICE A WEEK. For dogs with no trouble with strange dogs and strange people. Vacc from a vet required. Click HERE for group class schedules
This class is 1hr/week for 3 weeks and is for polishing up to get ready for High School. We focus on loose leash walking, wait, stay and leave it but with a bit more of a challenge. Please click HERE for group class schedules
This class is 1hr/week for 3 weeks and is 3 Field trips to continue tightening up on foundational work like loose leash walking, wait, stay and leave it but with a less controlled environment out and about!. Please click HERE for group class schedules
Class meets 1hr/week for 4 weeks. You'll take everything you've learned in previous classes, and add real world experience with field trips and games. Please click HERE for group class schedules
Class 1hr/week for 4 weeks and is just like it sounds--all classes are field trips to stores, parks, restaurants, etc. Please click HERE for available class dates
3 week class that covers all the elements of the Star Puppy. Cost includes AKC fee. 3rd week is the Test.
Click HERE for class dates
3 week class that covers all the elements of the CGC. Cost includes AKC fee. 3rd week is the Test.
Click HERE for class dates
4 dogs max/class. These classes are 1 hour for 1 session covering 1 topic like loose leash walking, recall, etc. Vacc from a vet required. Please scroll to the bottom of the page HERE for class topics and for group class schedules
5 week class that start's off with foundational body awareness training and simple tricks to earn your AKC Novice Trick Title with Title and Ribbon potentially earned at Graduation!
Click HERE for class dates
We schedule these around your availability. Please contact us to set up your session
1 hour sessions. Please contact us to schedule your session
Please contact us to schedule your session
Phone Evals are free of charge and if needed to meet in person Evals at our facility take about 10-15 minutes and are free also. Please contact us to schedule
Such A Good Dog
517 Jordan Ln Huntsville AL
Copyright © 2010 Such A Good Dog - All Rights Reserved.
Check out one of Huntsville's first only Positive Reinforcement Board and Training facilities.
Only accepting a max of two clients at a time for more personalized training. Reach out for more details below.